Limited Constitutional Government
We need to reduce government as much as possible. Federalism, decentralized authority, and eliminating unnecessary regulations and bureaucracy help ensure that the government serves the people. We believe in healthy public/private partnerships. We believe in governments that protect small businesses, not hurt them.
Free- Markets
Free markets and free trade allow for innovation, improvement, and economic expansion as risk-takers, entrepreneurs, and business owners are given the liberty to pursue the American dream and create more jobs and upward mobility for more people. Competition should be encouraged, not prohibited by the government. Regulations should not hurt small businesses while rewarding corporations.
Fiscal Responsibility & Low Taxes
Governments from municipal to federal, need to be better stewards of our tax dollars. Our Federal debt alone is out of control by reckless spending. The government needs to cut spending and keep taxes low to allow for healthy commerce. We believe governments should balance their budgets, reform entitlement programs, eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse, pursue pro-growth tax reforms and reductions, and restore budget accountability.
We believe that if a community does not grow, it will die. Local government should always keep a healthy balance of industry, commerce, and housing. Overdevelopment in one of these areas will not be healthy for a municipality. We believe that development should take a regional approach, where municipalities and counties in the Cape Fear region work together in developing land use plans.
American Dream
What makes America great is our ability for any citizen, regardless of birthright, to become successful. We believe that having healthy workforce development programs, vibrant entrepreneur incubator programs, access to capital, and governments that work to give citizens opportunity, not a welfare state, is essential to keeping the dream alive.